Wednesday, February 15, 2012

FREE Cupcakes!

IT'S HERE!!!! Your chance to win FREE cupcakes!!!! It's simple, all you have to do is visit our Facebook page and "like" us. For an additional entry, share our page and giveaway with all your friends on your own page and subscribe to our blog. And WAA-LAAA you've just received 3 entries!

Sooooooooooooo what are you waiting for? GET GOING!!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


What fun these cupcakes were to make!  Traditional swirl cupcakes with a buttercream frosting for the bingo lover!  Everything on these cupcakes are edible!

The entire time I was making these, I thought about Mammaw {my hubbys grandma}.  She is a hardcore bingo player.  Seriously, I think she plays all 7 days of the week!  I have to admit, I've never played bingo,  besides the small games we played in school. I've never gone to a real bingo hall with tons of people jammed into a smokey room hoping to be able to yell B-I-N-G-O!  Nope never have.  So I'm adding to my "bucket list" "play bingo with Mammaw" and I can't wait!