Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pizza Cupcakes!

It's been awhile since I blogged.  Been really busy with Kinley's Birthday, now I'm working on Kaden's and in the middle of all that I decided to remodel my bathroom!   Yep, that's how I roll...on a whim!

Tonight I thought I'd make a new recipe that I found last night on Pinterest.  Speaking of pinterest, if you haven't discovered it, let me know and I'll send you an invite!  It's awesome and you can easily spend hours looking at stuff and getting ideas!  Anyways....back to pizza cupcakes.

I thought this would be something fun the kids and I could make together and it turns out they are really yummy too!  You can find it HERE

WW Points + = 3 pts per cupcake


Friday, September 9, 2011

T minus 7 days!!!

Finally, the end is near!  Kinley's party is in 7 days and I'm in full party mode!  Everything had to be packed in boxes last week due to an open house, so now it's time to dig everything out and get ready!  I'm so excited.  Have I mentioned I've been working on this party for ohhhhh about 6 months.  Yes, I know, I know, crazy right. This will be the last 1st Birthday I get to plan so I'm allowed to go a little crazy!

For those of you who are close to me, you know I'm a little....OCD!  I think I've reached a new level tonight!  Not only have I made my mother a list of things I need to borrow, I started drafting out where I wanted tables and how I wanted things placed on the tables, where I wanted balloons and how I wanted decorations hung.  Not only are they horrible sketches but then I had to color code them!  I know right, CRAZY!  But see there is a method to my madness.  I figure this way, I can still be a control freak but let people help me set up and not have to go behind them changing things. {my poor family!}  They will have their sketch and know what goes where.  I'm thinking it's a genius idea...I'll let you know how it works out next week!  haha  That is if they don't kill me!

I hope everyone has a great week and hopefully my next post will be lots of party pictures!!!